Meet Brian and John
Brian Cheyney and John Sloan have been best buddies for over 10 years, but their paths may have unknowingly crossed many years prior.
When Brian was growing up, he often visited Mitchell’s, which was a popular department store in North Wilmington, DE. Mitchell’s was owned by John’s family and he worked there in the 70s-80s. The two first got to know each other 30 years later when they both worked in the Event Marketing/Support Services warehouse, which at the time was in the Pencader Industrial Park in Glasgow, DE.
When the Best Buddy program launched in 2010, Brian and John were officially matched and as John often says, “It’s been a great ride”. They talk on the phone every week and often meet for lunch every month and visit new places all over DE, PA, and MD. Some of their favorite places to go in addition to restaurants are Cabela’s, Booth’s Corner’s Farmer’s Market and Dairy Palace. They are hoping to do more activities like attend Blue Rocks games and Miniature Golf when those events are open again in the Spring.