Being a Buddy: Meet Isabel Gracon
Those who haven’t been involved in Best Buddies before may wonder – “What’s it like to be a Buddy?” Students often face a sea of extracurriculars to choose from and wonder “Where do I fit?” or “What will I get out of this experience?” These decisions can be particularly challenging when transitioning from high school to college.
For Isabel Gracon, Best Buddies brought her a community of friends and helped her define her career path. Isabel initially joined Best Buddies as a freshman at West Geauga High School where she would go on to be the Chapter President for two years. As she enters her second year at Bowling Green State University, Isabel reflects on her 5 years of experience in Best Buddies.
How did you initially get involved in Best Buddies?
I initially joined Best Buddies during my freshman year of high school when I was looking for organizations to participate in. The Best Buddies program at West Geauga High School had just started and the values of the program caught my interest. I fell in love with the program and the people involved.
What are some of your favorite memories from participating in Best Buddies?
Best Buddies had given me many incredible memories both at West Geauga High School and Bowling Green State University. I have loved participating the Friendship Walks and WGHS’s club own walk. When I got to Bowling Green and got paired with my buddy, Heather, I remember the excitement I felt getting to know her the first time. Lastly, after my first year of college I returned to my high school club and the happiness that the members of the club expressed is something I don’t think I will ever forget.
Why is inclusion important to you?
I believe everyone deserves to be included because I have an idea what it is like to feel alone and unwelcome. Personally, I think no one should ever have to feel that way and I want to help others feel included. I also want to encourage other people to be inclusive and help others understand why it matters.
How has being a part of Best Buddies contributed to your education?
Best Buddies has had a major impact on my education including the career I am pursuing at Bowling Green. I had no idea what to expect when I walked into my first Best Buddies meeting at WGHS but left the club a much different person. Being a part of Best Buddies inspired me to get more involved in the intellectual and developmental disability community by becoming an Intervention Specialist. I believe Best Buddies highlighted this field as a great spot for me and I am extremely grateful for that. Best Buddies has also provided a nice relief from academics and gives me a chance to focus on building relationships.
What are you looking forward to in Best Buddies this year?
In this coming year, I am excited to spend more time with my buddy, Heather, and build a deeper connection with her. I also hope to become more involved in the Bowling Green State University club and attend more of their events.
Whether you are passionate about inclusion, are looking for leadership opportunities, or just simply want to make a friend, Best Buddies is the place to find it. As students navigate the social complexities of high school, and graduate to new schools, Best Buddies offers the support of a friend, and so much more. Being a buddy is the best – take it from Isabel!
Are you interested in getting involved in Best Buddies? Visit: or contact for more information.