The Best Buddies Jobs program represents one of our organization’s five key mission pillars, Integrated Employment. This program secures jobs for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) allowing them to earn an income, pay taxes, and continuously and independently support themselves.
Best Buddies Jobs matches skilled and qualified individuals with IDD with business seeking enthusiastic and dedicated employees. We focus on placements beyond the typical job in which a person with IDD might be placed. Best Buddies focusses on finding work that matches the job seeker’s interests and talents and develops partnerships with employers, assists with the hiring process, and provides ongoing support to the employee and employer.
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Where We Are
An estimated 84% of adults (18+) with intellectual and developmental disabilities do not have a paid job in the community. The Best Buddies Jobs program has participants employed full time who each have the potential to earn a total income upwards of $1 million over 30 years and contribute $250K in taxes back into the economy. See below for a map of where we currently have active placements in the United States: