Often times, individuals with IDD who exit the school system or are no longer a part of the school system can join the Best Buddies Jobs program. Ideal candidates are those who are seeking support to help identify and maintain jobs in their local community.
What can Best Buddies Jobs do for you?
- Help you find a job that YOU want to do, matching you with a business that fits your needs and interests
- Search for jobs that that are competitive, integrated, and located in your community
- Connect you with resources and contacts through our national network
- Provide you with ongoing support and resources throughout your employment
What support will you receive from Best Buddies Jobs before and during employment?
All participants have an assigned Employment Consultant from the Best Buddies Jobs program to guide you with each step of the hiring process.
Before you are Hired
- Finding a job that’s a fit for YOU through job matching
- Writing a resume
- Applying for jobs
- Prepping for an interview
- Completing new hire paperwork
After you are Hired
- Job orientation and training (as needed)
- Checking-in periodically with the employer and employee
- Providing travel training
- Assisting with developing and achieving professional goals
Criteria for Admission
- All individuals served by Best Buddies Jobs must:
- Have a primary diagnosis that is an intellectual or developmental disability
- Have a desire to work in the community
- Be able to legally work in the United States
- Be able to independently manage any personal needs
Best Buddies Jobs is not designed to serve individuals who:
- Have a mental illness that is not controlled by medication or otherwise stabilized
- Need assistance in administering their medications
- Have any severe behavior problems
- Are active substance abusers
Related Documents
Best Buddies Jobs – Getting Started
Overview of getting hired through the Best Buddies Jobs program
Ready to become employed through Best Buddies Jobs
Interest form for those with an IDD to complete to receive additional information