Katelyn McKivergan Selected to Speak at BBLC Closing Ceremonies
The BBNH State Ambassador inspired the crowd of 2,000 with her speech.
The BBNH State Ambassador inspired the crowd of 2,000 with her speech.
The Concord and Exeter Walks Were Incredible Celebrations of Inclusion!
Student entrepreneurs at Hollis Upper Elementary generously pick BBNH for contribution
Katelyn McKivergan, one of our oustanding State Ambassadors, crowned adaptive pageant queen.
Maggie and Lauren are an outstanding buddy pair in our Citizens Program.
Our Grand Champions, Jenn and James, raised over $50,000 for Best Buddies in New Hampshire!
2023 Champion candidate, Dave Hausman, highlighted in Conway community.
A wonderful opportunity for people 45 years of age and under.
Congratulations to Sarra Dennehy Lynch and Jeanne Dallahi for being awarded Best Buddies International State Director and Program Manager of the Year in 2021!
They are this year’s recipient of the Campus Compact for New Hampshire PSU President’s Community Partner Award!