Best Buddies Friendship: Daniel and Collin
“My life has changed so much since I joined this organization.”
“My life has changed so much since I joined this organization.”
Columbus Gala set to take place this October
Third annual event set to take place this November
“Wait, no, really!?” Chapter President Meredith Bell exclaimed in excitement and disbelief as…
“Ohana means family, and family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten.” – Lilo and Stitch
Best Buddies in Ohio congratulates Ryan Hoffman on becoming a Global Ambassador for Best Buddies International!
The crowd held their breath, then cheered as players rebounded and scored.
Best Buddies in Ohio expands Advisory Board in Central Ohio.
Best Buddies Creates Social Opportunities for Students with IDD and Improves School Culture According to New Faculty Advisor
Saturday, October 29, 2022 4:00 – 8:00 pm Avon Oaks Tennis Center 32300 Detroit Rd, Avon, OH 44011 Join friends...