Best Buddies Leadership Agreement
To become a Best Buddies chapter leader, all applicants must agree to the terms set forth below.
As a Best Buddies Leader:
- I promise to execute all responsibilities as set forth by Best Buddies International and as described on Best Buddies University.
- I will uphold the Best Buddies’ Member Code of Conduct and serve as a role model for my chapter.
- I agree to meet regularly with my chapter leadership team to plan meetings, communicate goals and challenges, and support the Best Buddies mission in my community.
- I agree to communicate regularly with my Best Buddies staff member and to reach out with any challenges I face in leading my chapter.
- If given BB360 access, I agree to keep my chapter’s portal up to date, including managing members, making matches, creating events for the chapter calendar, and submitting the chapter annual report.
- I understand that I am required to participate in the Best Buddies International Leadership Conference in July and my local State/Regional Leadership Training Day in the fall.
- I understand that Best Buddies has the right to remove me from my leadership position for any reason, at any time.
- I understand that I am also responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all privileged information that I receive about the members of my chapter, including, but not limited to, contact information, date of birth, or medical conditions.
- I agree to notify my Best Buddies staff member immediately regarding conflicts among members or emergency situations related to any chapter activities or events and to keep the information regarding these situations confidential.
Last updated: 4/6/2022