About Champions
Anyone can! Well, anyone that’s willing to reach out to their network and champion (pun intended) for Best Buddies. For information on becoming a Champion candidate, please contact MarthaLagarde@bestbuddies.org.
Most Champions are nominated by Best Buddies staff, participants, supporters, or previous Champions. A few are self-nominated, which we think is super awesome. For more information about nominating a Champion, please contact MarthaLagarde@bestbuddies.org.
Because opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities are very limited, and our Champion campaigns open doors for everyone to be included – in school, at work, and in the community. And when that happens, we all win.
Not at all – in fact, many Champions are newbies at fundraising. We teach them everything they need to know!
Absolutely! And we would be delighted to talk to your company about partnership opportunities as well. Just give us a shout and we chat about what that could look like.