Best Buddies Ambassador Training: Oxford
Sunday, September 22, 2019
1 PM – 4 PM
Farmers School of Business
Miami University
83 N. Patterson Ave
Oxford, Ohio 45056
Lunch and all materials will be provided. Dress is casual.
Best Buddies welcomes any adult in the community with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Volunteer speech coaches are also needed! No experience necessary. Participants do not have to be a member of a Best Buddies program.
We are seeking ambassadors/ self-advocates in the Oxford, OH area to participate in a training. This is a leadership initiative designed to encourage people with IDD to advocate for themselves and their peers through a variety of platforms. Ambassadors work one-on-one with a volunteer speech coach to craft speeches, improve public speaking skills, and understand the basics of advocacy. Volunteers will be trained and ready to work with an individual with IDD to coach and prepare them to give a speech and practice networking skills. Individuals who have become an Ambassador may coach as well!
If you have questions, require accommodations, use English as a second language, or have dietary needs, please Contact Abby Rampe at or 419-796-9087.
Funded by The Ohio Developmental Disabilities Council under the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act.