Inclusion is important, so everyone feels important … and nobody gets left out.
“Being a Best Buddies Global Ambassador means the world to me”
“Stay involved with the whole Best Buddies community – it’s simply the best!”
Everyone deserves a meaningful job and these employers go above and beyond!
Creative and generous elementary school students string together smiles!
Nancy Merrill Sullivan is a longtime Best Buddies supporter.
Congratulations to our 2024 Champions of the Year: Sheila and Jaxson!
“Jaxson inspires me every day with his kindness and his spirit.”
Yorktown Best Buddies Kicks Off the School Year!
Zara is a Best Buddies State Ambassador and Chapter Secretary!
Zayd and Reyan excel in Best Buddies Transitions, preparing for IT careers.
Everybuddy Belongs
She’s ready to show the world what people with disabilities can do!
They’re a burst of color and joy in each other’s lives
Check out our press features leading up to the 2024 Friendship Walk!
The Seven Society recognized UVA for “embracing differences and fostering care and love.”
Community Foundation for Northern Virginia Grantee
“I can’t wait to lead everybody!”
“Having a place for kids to feel welcome … can do so much.”
They aren’t just friends; they’re shining stars in each other’s lives.
Best Buddies makes me feel happy and included.
They’re a burst of color and joy in each other’s lives
Discover our favorite Best Buddies memories.
Mark has led the way for students, parents, and the McLean community
Creating inclusive workplaces and learning about supported employment for adults with IDD
Peter enjoys cooking, volunteering, and spending time with his roommates
Best Buddies is a trusted nonprofit making an impact in the community.
Celebrate inclusion and friendship with Best Buddies Virginia & DC
The highest honor and sign of gratitude bestowed upon a community member.
Check out what’s in store for the 2023 Best Buddies Homecoming Gala
Meet a sports-loving friendship pair!
Meet featured participants and learn about what they’re up to in the workplace.
A weekend full of baseball, beer, and bean bags.
Virginia and DC students gathered to plan for the upcoming school year.
Ambassadors become leaders by developing skills to professionally share their life stories.
Citizens were building a meal, but, more importantly, they were building friendships.
Check out the news coverage of our 2022 Homecoming Gala
A roommate arrangement that is at once ordinary and extraordinary
John P. Drew the 2022 recipient of The Diane Ray Brown Lifetime of Friendship Award