Best Buddies Awarded Spur Local Critical Nonprofit Seal

Best Buddies Virginia and DC has once again been awarded the Spur Local, formerly the Catalogue for Philanthropy, seal signifying that Best Buddies is a trusted and critical local nonprofit making an impact in the Greater Washington, DC community.
Best Buddies underwent a rigorous application and screening process to ensure program quality, financial health, and community impact. Most applications to Spur Local receive five to eight reviews, if not more.
170+ Spur Local volunteers and Greater Washington residents took a look beyond the traditional metrics of evaluation. They addressed questions that people don’t always think to ask or have the time to assess. What need is Best Buddies meeting? Are its finances sound? How does Best Buddies impact our local communities, and how does it involve communities in their work?
Spur Local assessed Best Buddies programs on the needs met, leadership and staffing, and evidence of impact. The financial review – conducted by Spur Local staff and expert financial reviewers – assessed Best Buddies’ cash position, ability to pay bills and employees, history of surpluses and deficits, mix of revenue and expenses, fiscal transparency, and how Best Buddies invests its resources.
You can donate confidently to Best Buddies, knowing that your contribution will be used responsibly and effectively to help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) form meaningful connections in the community that allow them to shine.
We know you care about where you donate, and we do, too. That’s why Best Buddies is proud to be one of the area’s best, vetted, and community-based charities. We appreciate Spur Local’s support and look forward to continuing our friendship, employment, and leadership programs.
Check out our profile on Spur Local’s website and read more about the application and screening process.